Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Enterprise of One

I read a really interesting post by Stephen Martin on TechCrunch titled, "The Enterprise of One".

Martin talks about how a new breed of entrepreneur is rising, where the determinants of successful enterprise are no longer limited to background, resources or education.

Due to the changing business landscape, rapid techonological innovation, and reduced barriers to entry and transaction costs, Martin argues that "individual strengths, passions, and expertise" are the most important factors in whether an individual or business is successful.

I would wholeheartedly agree with this.

I am my Personal Brand, I am an Enterprise of One.

I believe that I am truly the only person responsible for my successes and failures.

Sure, there is luck and other factors involved, but ultimately it comes down to me, the individual.

I can start a blog or an online business with little or no capital.

I have access to resources where I can obtain funding, or simply advice from experienced entreprenuers who have been there before.

And although I am well-educated, there are still many things that I don't know. But with the web, the resources to do my own programming or SEO are right at my fingertips, meaning that I can constantly improve.

I'm ready to be part of this new class of entreprenuer, I just don't know where to start.